By the end of this course, you will:

  • Have reframed the way you think and feel about failure

  • Have identified your fixed mindset traits and have a plan for overcoming them

  • Be well on your way to developing a growth mindset

  • Know how to overcome perfectionism

  • Know how to deal with failure when it happens

  • Have created an actionable plan for getting unstuck

Course Curriculum

    1. Instructor Welcome Message

    2. Why Fear is Ruining Your Life

    3. How We Got Stuck In The First Place

    4. Course Learning Objectives

    1. What Does Failure Mean to You?

    2. Current Beliefs Exercise

    3. Reframing What Failure Means to You

    1. The Fearful (Fixed) Mindset

    2. Identifying Our Fixed Beliefs

    3. The Power of Mindset

    4. The Fearless (Growth) Mindset

    5. What A Growth Mindset Looks Like

    6. Replacing Our Fixed Beliefs

    1. 9 Changes To Make To Develop A Fearless (Growth) Mindset

    2. Our Plan For Change

    1. The Roots of Perfectionism

    2. 3 Keys To Overcoming Perfectionism

    1. Figure Out What You Really Want

    2. Create Your Plan To Launch

    3. Dealing With Setbacks

    4. Staying Unstuck

About this course

  • $109.00
  • 23 lessons